Contemplating everything you see

Toady, I have received a message from ST. Moses the Black who is also called Moses the strong, Moses the Ethiopian etc, was a monk and priest in Egypt in 400 AD.

He came to me because he cares about us, our society and what we are going through.

Here is what he says,

So many things are happening right now in this world and people are divided. Do not just jump in the movement you see or you feel it is right, but contemplating everything you see, you have, and you hear before you move. Sit quietly and contemplating until you see a light coming up. Then, still contemplating till you see the light becoming stronger and stronger to light your way to go. Everything you see right now makes you feel right but actually might not be right for you. Everything you hear sounds wonderful but might not be good for you. So, just think deeply, ask for you to see truth that hidden from your eyes and ears.

Hope is on the way-Message for April

This year’s Easter was March 31st. The last day of the month. It is quite good coincidence to start new month right after Easter. Many new energies coming to many situations. So, I got a message from Jesus Christ since it was resurrection Sunday.

Hope, hope is on your way. You have gone through rough water so far since new year started. But, you have not given up on yourself and the situation. What you have gone through is just what you needed to for next chapter. Have faith and keep praying. Prayer is the way to talk with me, so keep talking. Even you do not feel that you are heard, but I am here with you and hear you. What you are going through will change day by day. You might not feel any changes right now, however, you will know. You will know I have been with you to support and fight for you. Rely on me. You are not alone. Your hope is on your way. Your faith will turn around the situation. You will know.

I am a psychic medium, so many spirits call me to help them to go to the next place. I was called to visit a museum at Yasukuni shrine where many soldiers sprits are and the museum has various things from the wars and many stuff soldiers left behind. I released energies from these things to heaven. After I finished and came out the museum, angel’s ladder appeared as if their souls are moving up. Jesus and angels are always with you, please remember.

Message for Year of Dragon 2024

Year 2024 started with not easy energy like earthquake, flooding, some airplane incidents, and still wars are going on…I just want to pray for people and places where affected to have peace soon.

2024 is year of Dragon as you might already know. The world and the life we have might not be easy at the glance, but, what I feel is you just swim like a dragon in this rough water. You have confidence to go through with your abilities and wisdoms and you will find some hope along the way. 2024 will show you lots of new doors that you can open and enter new chapters. Which one is good for you is only you know. So, follow your heart and walk with confidence. The ways you would choose might be completely different from the ways you have walked through, but this year you might want to remember that the key is confidence and bold. So, even you think you cannot, remember that you can do that. Imagine you are on the dragon and swim rough sea to enjoy as if you are riding roller-coaster. Meaning it is safe for you to enjoy the rough sea. The hope you can find will light your way and always remind you to be brave and bold. So, enjoy every day with joy and appreciation. You will see lots of changes toward to the end of this year.

Happy Year of Dragon!!

You are You

I had a chance to talk with Sathya Sai Baba’s spirit while I was in a group healing. He came to me and gave a message to the group, but this is actually not only for them but also for you.

So, here is the short message from Sathya Sai Baba.

You are you. You are not anyone else. You are you. Do not forget about that.

We tend to focus on outside world and compare ourselves to others then forget about who we are. Do not forget who you are even you are not in a good place in your life. Do not pretend who you are but always remember who you really are, and love everything you experience and who you are.

You are beautiful and precious.

Happy Holidays!


It is December already…time flies and we live every day as we always have tomorrow. So, we worry about tomorrow and regret past and complain many things…but, the life we live is gift from God. It is actually miracle that we live at this moment and if you have peace in you, that is an amazing blessing you have now.

December is one of the beautiful months filled with festive mood and love. So, one thing I want to ask you is; please find at least one thing you can appreciate every day. Thank things, situations or people you have and/or encounter.

The situations and people you have are not coincidences but necessary.

“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5‬:‭16‬-‭18‬ ‭NIV‬‬

What do you see?

The world you see is reflection of inner self. That is your beliefs, vibrations, memories etc…if you want change what you see, you might wang to look into your inner world first.

So, the questions are what do you see now and what do you want to see in your world?

Time for everything

Summer to Fall. Winter to Spring. Season changes and we all grow every day. Learn many things in daily life. Good and bad. Hope and disappointment. Love and hate. Getting hurt and healed. But, please keep your innocent heart eternally. Look into it when you are in low to find some hope in your situations.

Everything has time. We live in great cycle by God. So, keep walking.

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace. What do workers gain from their toil? I have seen the burden God has laid on the human race. He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live.”

Ecclesiastes 3:1-12 NIV

Message of the Autumn Equinox

In the Northern Hemisphere, we officially started autumn season from September 23rd and the day has equally day and night, then, from the day, our night time is getting longer and longer.

The message I got for this Autumn Equinox is

Our society will be more clearly divided into 2 types of people, one in focus on their shadow self unconsciously, and another one is trying to focus on their light part of themselves. Many of us still in between, but if you continually live in fears, angers etc, and if not to try to forgive, or find peace, then, you tend to keep going in the same situation over and over. Many of planets have been retrograded, meaning you have an opportunities to face your fears and angers that hold you back. These retrograde probably brings back some unwanted memories, people or feelings, but if these are coming back, then, please face it. You cannot suppress anymore these things to keep walking. If you are hard to forgive some people and/or situations, ask why you cannot. Usually, you can find some roots cause in you, not them. So, if you can find it, then, let it go. Then, you will feel you can forgive these people and/ or situations little bit easier. This is why forgiveness is for you, not for people hurt you, ultimately. This is really good time to check and let go something no longer serve you for your best.

You can be a light in your family and community. You can be a love that you want and people want. Just choose to be light and love. God will show you the way. Use your inner power wisely to align with love not fears or angers.

Releasing your mind-Message from Saturn

Planet Saturn has been retrograding until November 4th, 2023. So, I asked Saturn if any message for us at this time of period, and here is the message I got.

Our mind is trapped by so many things, like what we learned when we were young, the traditions we grew up, what other people have said to you including your parents, teachers…etc…These things might make your life little bit difficult than it supposed to be. Fears, worries, customs, thought of others….many things are in our minds. There are, of course, many good things. In this time of Saturn retrograde, by the way, “retrograde” this is what human think, many things that causing you to be trapped might be coming up. If so, then, please release them without hesitation or being afraid. Eventually, your minds are getting lighter and lighter…then, you will notice you are tapping into new chapter of your life.

Full moon is also coming soon and your feelings and emotions might be heightened than usual. If so, please take a rest and have a cup of tea to find your peace in you. If you need to decide something, do not be in rush, take a time to think, and decide wisely.